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tunnel light
Threat hunting still maturing and mostly ad-hoc

Threat hunting is becoming an integral part of defensive activities in larger enterprises or those that have been heavily targeted in the past, according to a new SANS survey. …

38% of consumers affected by ransomware pay up

Consumers are increasingly being targeted with ransomware, and many of them are paying up, according to Trustlook. Since the beginning of 2016, ransomware has gone from a …

Photos: HITBSecConf Amsterdam 2017

The always exciting Hack In The Box conference took place last week in Amsterdam. Groundbreaking security research was disclosed during the event, which also featured a free …

Rules for secure coding in the C++ programming language

The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) has released the 2016 edition of the SEI CERT C++ Coding Standard. The standard provides rules for secure coding in the C++ …

Week in review: Leaked Windows exploits, mobile payment card cloning

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: Microsoft patched the flaws allowing leaked Windows exploits to work Microsoft has …

Microsoft patched the flaws allowing leaked Windows exploits to work

Microsoft has patched the vulnerabilities that allowed nine of the exploits released by the Shadow Brokers on Friday to work, and said that of the three remaining exploits, …

Why businesses should care about identity theft

Identity theft is a type of fraud that’s directed squarely against individuals, but to believe that businesses don’t suffer any consequences or costs associated …

Finally, enterprise-wide encryption strategies increase!

New research by the Ponemon Institute captures how organizations around the world are dealing with compliance, increased threats, and the implementation of encryption to …

Cloud-based single sign-on means access and security everywhere

The cloud is now the standard of corporate organizational life. It is a standard practice for nearly every sector of every industry. So, there must be solutions available to …

Evolution of security operations from reactionary survival mode to forced sophistication

The most security-sensitive companies approach their job and their day with the default assumption that they have been hacked, and they set out to prove that important …

artificial intelligence
Of machines and men: AI and the future of cybersecurity

For many in the cybersecurity community, ‘Ghost in the Shell’, both in its source material and recent film adaptation, is an inventive representation of where the sector is …

Pressures security professionals face have become more personal

While 53% of security professionals report increased pressure in trying to secure their organization, there has been a shift in the source of this stress, according to …

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