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Pwn Pulse
Review: Pwnie Express Pulse

Pwnie Express Pulse is a SaaS offering that uses custom hardware sensors to provide continuous network discovery, threat detection, risk assessment, and critical information …

Addressing the deficit in cyber security workforce and national policy

Whether they like it or not, in this day and age nearly all organizations have to think about their cybersecurity posture and find a way to minimize cybersecurity risk. But …

Is cyber insurance worth the paper it’s written on?

Weighing up whether you think insurance is worth it, in any situation, depends to some extent on personal experience. You can see the value of protection far more clearly if …

As GDPR approaches, retail data breaches remain unacceptably high

Two in five retailers across the globe have experienced a data breach in the past year, according to Thales and 451 Research. The report reveals that 43 percent of retailers …

IT operators see promise in DevOps and new tech

A new Ponemon Institute survey of nearly 1,250 global public sector IT decision makers and managers revealed that public sector organizations undergoing digital transformation …

Week in review: macOS security, Segway vulns, and the SOC of the future

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news and articles: The future of macOS security: Baked-in protection and third-party tools Anyone in the …

Black Hat
Qualys at Black Hat USA 2017: Best practices and case study presentations

There will be no lack of interesting content from Qualys at Black Hat next week. Depending on you interests, you might want to make time for some of these talks and …

Google Chrome biohazard
Surprisingly stealthy botnet has been targeting users for years

ESET researchers have unearthed a botnet of some 500,000 infected machines engaged mostly in ad-related fraud by using malicious Chrome extensions, but also Facebook fraud and …

Companies unprepared to measure incident response

Companies struggle to keep up with and respond to cyberattacks due to lack of resources, according to Demisto. For example, more than 40 percent of respondents said their …

New infosec products of the week​: July 21, 2017

Awake Security unveils advanced security analytics solution Awake’s advanced security analytics provide security teams the insights needed to understand the scope and impact …

Destruction of Service attacks could shut down organizations for good

The Cisco 2017 Midyear Cybersecurity Report (MCR) uncovers the rapid evolution of threats and the increasing magnitude of attacks, and forecasts potential Destruction of …

Every organization is only one click away from a potential compromise

Information security staffs are so single-minded about defending their organizations from external attack that they all but ignore a threat with vastly greater potential for …

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