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Outsmarting grid security threats

Almost two-thirds (63 percent) of utility executives believe their country faces at least a moderate risk of electricity supply interruption from a cyberattack on electric …

IT concerned about losing jobs while industry worried about IT talent shortage

While the cybersecurity industry is desperately trying to manage a worldwide shortage of qualified cybersecurity professionals, 56 percent of these professionals fear they’ll …

Google to enforce HTTPS on TLDs it controls

In its sustained quest to bring encryption to all existing Web sites, Google has announced that it will start enforcing HTTPS for the 45 Top-Level Domains it operates. How …

Top blacklisted Android and iOS apps by enterprises

Enterprises blacklist apps for a range of security concerns, including specific malicious or data leakage behaviors, security policy compliance and concerns about shadow data …

The 2013 Yahoo breach affected all 3 billion of its users

Yahoo, now part of the newly created Verizon subsidiary Oath, has announced that the 2013 breach it disclosed in December 2016 affected more users than previously believed. …

When it comes to data breaches, consumers don’t know where to turn

The results of a new Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) study on consumer perceptions and behaviors in response to identity theft and data breaches demonstrate widespread …

How boardrooms are safeguarding digital assets

More than 90 percent of surveyed senior business leaders agree that strong technology governance contributes to improved business outcomes and increased agility, according to …

The changing role of the Chief Information Officer

Digitalization and technological innovation are changing the nature of the job of the CIO. Leaders are rapidly scaling their digital businesses, making the remainder of this …

PKI changes and uncertainty due to new applications

New research by the Ponemon Institute reveals the Internet of Things (IoT) is playing an increasingly important role in influencing public key infrastructure (PKI) planning …

Equifax, former CEO reveal more details about the devastating breach

Mandiant has concluded the forensic part of its Equifax breach investigation, and the results are as follows: 2.5 million additional US consumers were potentially impacted, …

Widely used DNS forwarder and DHCP server Dnsmasq riddled with flaws

Google researchers have discovered seven serious vulnerabilities in Dnsmasq, a lightweight, widely used DNS forwarder and DHCP server for small computer networks. Dnsmasq is …

Stack Overflow
Secure coding in Java: Bad online advice and confusing APIs

For programmers and software developers, the Internet forums provide a great place to exchange knowledge and seek answers to concrete coding conundrums. Alas, they are not …

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Cybersecurity news