Keep your site more secure with WordPress 4.3
WordPress 4.3, named Billie in honor of jazz singer Billie Holiday, is available for download or update in your WordPress dashboard.

The new version enables you to keep your site more secure with WordPress’ improved approach to passwords. Instead of receiving passwords via email, you’ll get a password reset link. When you add new users to your site or edit a user profile, WordPress will automatically generate a secure password.
Other improvements:
A smoother admin experience – Refinements to the list view across the admin make your WordPress more accessible and easier to work with on any device.
Comments turned off on pages – All new pages that you create will have comments turned off. Keep discussions to your blog, right where they’re supposed to happen.
Customize your site quickly – Wherever you are on the front-end, you can click the customize link in the toolbar to swiftly make changes to your site.
Formatting shortcuts – Your writing flow just got faster with new formatting shortcuts in WordPress 4.3. Use asterisks to create lists and number signs to make a heading. No more breaking your flow; your text looks great with a * and a #.