Google releases new hub for managing security and privacy settings
Google has released a new privacy tool for users: the My Account centralized hub for managing Google Settings.

“Privacy and security are two sides of the same coin: if your information isn’t secure, it certainly can’t be private,” explained Guemmy Kim, Product Manager, Account Controls and Settings, Google.
“My Account gives you quick access to the settings and tools that help you safeguard your data, protect your privacy, and decide what information is used to make Google services work better for you. It also provides more context to help you understand your options and make the right choices for you.”
The tool will allow users to review their account for privacy and security, and guide them through these settings; to manage the information that can be used from several Google services (Search, Maps, etc.); to tweak ads settings, and to control which apps and sites are connected to their account.
In addition to this, the company has set up a dedicated site with answers to common security and privacy questions, and information about new tools and features.
“We also explain how we show relevant ads without selling your personal information, how encryption and spam filtering help keep your data safe, and how your information helps customize your experience on Google,” Kim noted.