Scan your PC for common vulnerabilities
The Secunia Online Software Inspector, or short OSI, is a fast way to scan your PC for the most common programs and vulnerabilities, thus checking if your PC has a minimum security baseline against known patched vulnerabilities.
Use the Secunia OSI to get a feel for the Secunia Software Inspector technology, then upgrade to the Secunia PSI or CSI, which covers practically all programs on your PC, whereas the OSI checks less than 100 programs.
Feature overview:
- Detects insecure versions of common/popular programs installed on your PC.
- Verifies that all Microsoft patches are applied.
- Assists you in updating, patching, and protecting your PC.
- Activates additional security features in Sun Java.
- Runs through your browser. No installation or download is required.
Supported operating systems (32 & 64 bit):
- Microsoft Windows 7
- Microsoft Windows Vista
- Microsoft Windows XP SP2 or later
- Microsoft Windows 2008.
Required software:
- Latest version of Microsoft Update
- Sun Java JRE, 1.6.x or later.
Supported browsers:
- Apple Safari for Windows 4.x
- Google Chrome 4.x
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.x
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.x
- Opera 9.x
- Opera 10.x
- Mozilla Firefox 3.x
- Mozilla Firefox 3.5.x
- Mozilla Firefox 3.6.x.
Try Secunia OSI here.