Alleged leader of carding gang arrested

A Ukranian national suspected of being the leader of a gang involved in counterfeiting payment cards has been taken into custody by the Russian police.

The arrest has been confirmed by the Russian authorities, and some details were shared with the press, but there was no confirmation of whether this arrest or this group had anything to do with the recents takedowns of two ZeuS gangs in the U.S. and the U.K., ComputerWorld reports.

Although, it seems, the connection is unlikely, as the official statement doesn’t mention the clause of the Russian criminal law that concerns creation and spreading of malware.

What it does mention is that this alleged gang leader could be charged with forging payment cards and property theft, and that during the bust, the police also confiscated computer equipment and a machine that clones the information contained in the magnetic stripe of legitimate cards – not to mention 100 fake credit cards. The gang supposedly consists of Russians and Armenians, but none of them has been detained at this time.

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