Global security best practices

The latest Microsoft Security Intelligence Report shares security best practices from countries that have consistently exhibited low malware infection. These best practices and security intelligence provide a valuable resource for business leaders who need to make accurate decisions based on the threats that are most pressing today.

Infection rates and threats vary geographically, and the report contains proven best practices from countries with the lowest infections. For example, infection rates in Japan, Austria and Germany remained relatively low during this period.

Following is insight into how professionals from these regions keep their customers and resources safe from cyber threats:

  • Japan has seen its infection rates remain relatively low. One of the reasons is due in large part to collaborations such as the Cyber Clean Center, a cooperative project between Internet service providers (ISPs), major security vendors and Japanese government agencies to educate users.
  • Austria has implemented strict IT enforcement guidelines to lower piracy rates, and this – along with strong ISP relationships and fast Internet lines, which aid in security update deployment – has helped ensure its generally low infection rate.
  • Germany has also leveraged collaboration efforts with its computer emergency response team (CERT) and ISP communities to help identify and raise awareness of botnet infections and, in some cases, quarantine infected computers.

Central to the success in each of these regions is the growing trend of community-based defense, in which the broader industry combines its collective strengths and intelligence to help defend computer users.

The complete report is available here.