Sourcefire iPhone application

A new free Sourcefire VRT iPhone application is available now from the App Store. This app features three real-time Sourcefire news feeds, including VRT Updates, VRT Top 10 Malware, and Snort News.

The Sourcefire Vulnerability Research Team (VRT) is a group of network security experts working around the clock to discover, assess and respond to the latest trends in hacking activities, intrusion attempts and vulnerabilities. Some of the most renowned security professionals in the industry, including the authors of several standard security reference books, are members of the Sourcefire VRT.

This team is also supported by the vast resources of the open source Snort community, making it the largest group dedicated to vulnerability research and advances in the network security industry.

Snort is an open source network intrusion prevention and detection system (IDS/IPS) developed by Sourcefire. Combining the benefits of signature, protocol and anomaly-based inspection, Snort is the most widely deployed IDS/IPS technology worldwide, and has become the de facto standard for IPS.