RSA and Trend Micro team up to enhance the RSA FraudAction service

RSA has joined forces with Trend Micro: the RSA FraudAction service is now tightly connected with the Trend Micro Smart Protection Network infrastructure in order to receive real-time information generated via Trend Micro’s global threat intelligence.

RSA FraudAction is a 24×7 service designed to detect, track, block, and shut down phishing, Trojan and other attacks perpetrated by online fraudsters. Its fraud analysts operate from the RSA Anti-Fraud Command Center and work 24×7 to shut down websites hosting online attacks, deploy countermeasures, and conduct extensive forensic work to help catch fraudsters and prevent future threats.

The Trend Micro Smart Protection Network powers both on-premise and hosted solutions to protect users whether they are on the network, at home, or on the go, using light-weight clients to access its in-the-cloud correlation of email, web and file reputation technologies, as well as threat databases. Customers’ protection is automatically updated and strengthened as more products, services and users access the network, creating a real-time neighborhood watch protection service for its users.

As a result of the relationship, the RSA FraudAction service has increased fraud intelligence on suspicious crimeware – including viruses, spyware, spam and other malware. These capabilities will help the service to further qualify, analyze, monitor, block, and shut-down online attacks to more effectively defend its customers against online crime.