Trend Micro endorses new anti-malware testing methodology

Trend Micro is endorsing a new third party anti-malware testing methodology that better reflects today’s “real-world” conditions instead of using antiquated testing techniques that don’t test computers against the latest threats coming from the Internet.

“With its new approach to testing antivirus products, NSS Labs is providing two key metrics in addition to traditional threat detection rates: First, measurement of detection and blocking of threats based on their URL source; and second, measurement of the time delay between when a security vendor is first aware of a potential new threat and when protection from that threat is available at customer endpoints, the so-called ‘time-to-protect’,” said Raimund Genes, CTO of Trend Micro.

NSS Labs’ new testing methodology includes the ability to block threats before they reach an endpoint as well as detection for those that still get through, resulting in an overall protection score.

Live Testing measures products against the most current threats as a user would experience them: not against stale samples in a closed lab environment, like other tests.