Camino 2.0 beta 4 comes with phishing and malware protection

Camino is an open source web browser for Mac OS X users. This new version is a maintenance release which contains various security and stability updates.

The following major features have been added to Camino 2.0 Beta 4 and will be in Camino 2 when it is released:

  • Phishing and malware protection: Camino 2.0 Beta 4 includes phishing and malware protection based on Google Safe Browsing.
  • Full content zoom: The scale increment used by full content zoom has been reduced to provide smoother zooming. There is also a new Zoom Text Only item in the View menu to toggle the zoom keyboard shortcuts between full content zoom and larger or smaller text.
  • Software update: When quitting for an automatic update, Camino will now save and restore pages that were open before quitting regardless of whether the “Load the pages that were open before quitting” preference is enabled.
  • Updated appearance: The tab bar, Bookmark Bar, and folder icons now better match the appearance of Mac OS X 10.5 and newer.