Gigabit speed network encryption appliance

Engage has announced the Black-Door GIG Encryptor, the latest in their line of packet encryption products for both private and public network security. It enables enterprises to add AES security to Ethernet packet interfaces without disruption of their network edge hardware with upgrades, reconfiguration and add-on encryption accelerators. The Black-Door is deployable with basic Internet Protocol knowledge.

The Engage Black-Door GIG Encryptor offers Gigabit speeds for securing point to point or multipoint Ethernet networks. Its Ethernet interfaces have independently configurable MTUs that are able to handle up to 9000 byte JUMBO Ethernet frames in real-time. The AES based encryption algorithm is FIPS approved for Secret information security for 2/VLAN/MPLS/3 Ethernet.

The Encryptor is a plug-and-encrypt installation for the payload of layer 2 and MPLS point to point network connections. The payload of the Ethernet Packets entering the clear text LAN1 are AES encrypted and sent out LAN2 to the Egress Ethernet. Ethernet packets AES decryption requires a unique 256 bit key.

The product facilitates encryption of the Egress Ethernet to externally located Wireless Gigabit and offloads encryption from the Radio and supports multi point installations. It’s flexible in packet handling; it can provide an encrypted “tunnel’ for MPLS data packets, encrypting layers above the MPLS labels providing secure data payloads over a MPLS network.