RSA BSAFE EncryptionToolkits now free
In a move to help software developers innovate with confidence and further safeguard their applications from fraudsters, RSA launched the RSA Share Project, a new initiative designed to bring security tools within reach of corporate and independent software developers and project leaders. The Share Project features the launch of a new online community designed to provide support, answers and strategies from security experts as well as no-cost access to technology from RSA.
The RSA BSAFE Share software is available for free download on the RSA Share Project community website, offered as SDKs supporting C/C++ and Java. These products are fully interoperable with the thousands of applications already embedded with RSA BSAFE encryption. In the future, the RSA Share Project will provide more functionality above and beyond encryption, allowing members to solve a variety of security problems with no-cost SDKs designed to help ease and manage secure application development.
The RSA BSAFE Share software is developed and maintained by a dedicated team of RSA engineers and technical support staff. Architecting applications using RSA BSAFE Share security software enables developers to achieve a solid, secure application design without the expense of commercial licenses. RSA BSAFE Share software is also enhanced regularly to address the latest vulnerabilities as well as advancements in cryptographic technology. The software is built on proven industry standards, many of which have been developed and championed by RSA, offering interoperability and ease of integration into new and existing software and device application systems. For applications that require FIPS 140 validated cryptography, RSA will continue to license its own FIPS-compliant version of RSA BSAFE software.
RSA Share Project Programming Contest Launched at RSA Conference 2009
To help drive interest and participation in the RSA Share Project, RSA is also launching a programming contest offering a $10,000 grand prize for the most creative and practical use of RSA BSAFE Share software in a web-based application. Entries will be accepted on the RSA Share Project web site from April 20, 2009 to May 20, 2009, with judging expected to be completed and the winning entry announced by the end of June. Contest rules and entry forms can be found on the RSA Share Project web site.
The RSA Share Project is hosted on the EMC Community Network (ECN). The ECN is a collection of vibrant online communities, including an EMC Developer Network, designed for engineers and developers who work with and/or have special interest in EMC products and technologies. It was created for, and by, software developers seeking collaboration, community, content, and development tools. RSA’s dedicated RSA BSAFE engineering team will provide support and advice as active participants in the RSA Share Project, and RSA will work to foster growth of a community of experienced independent RSA BSAFE Share developers who can aid fellow members or work together to safely integrate RSA BSAFE Share encryption into their respective projects.