Digital identity certification platform opens public beta trying to provide users with a digital ID that has been certified with the same level of trust as a valid ID delivered by a governement administration but without the need to actually meet in real life.
As of today, you’ll be able to certify your digital identity worldwide, claim and badge your blog, and of course use your profile URL as a certified OpenID.
Here’s how it works:
1. When registering, you’ll be asked to provide your real name and a valid credit card at your personal name.
2. You’ll need to log on to your bank statement and retrieve the random amount between €2 and €5 that they charged you and then log back on to fill it in.
3. Provide your valid and personal postal address because they’ll send you the last step of your certification process. And then wait for the postman.
4. Follow the instruction on the paper mail and then you’re done.
It doesn’t look easy or fast, but it’s an interesting concept. With the proliferation of the Internet we need some method of identifying ourselves online. Is this the answer? We’ll see as the product develops and their adoption rate grows.