UNIX/Linux root access control software

Symark International announced PowerBroker 5.2, the most comprehensive solution for authorization and access control within heterogeneous UNIX/Linux IT environments.

Through its integration with SafeNet Luna SA HSM, it provides the first privileged access control and accountability solution to use FIPS 140-2 Security Level 2 appliance-based encryption services to achieve compliance with the most strict key storage requirements and standards.

The new version of PowerBroker includes integrated support for the SafeNet Luna SA, a flexible, network-attached hardware security module providing powerful cryptographic processing and hardware key management for applications where security and performance are a top priority.

PowerBroker 5.2 helps organizations comply with PCI DSS, SOX, HIPAA and other regulations by enabling security managers to more easily grant selective administrative privileges while safeguarding the root password and controlling access to applications/commands, directories/files and permissions on various administrative tasks.

PowerBroker protects the root account by granularly binding specific root-level tasks to UNIX/Linux user IDs so that the root password does not need to be disclosed to operators and systems administrators. The program reduces the risk of accidental damage, theft of digital assets, or malicious activities without altering or disrupting the operating system-š?„?®a practice that can violate software and systems warranties.

PowerBroker 5.2 also now includes support for Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.5.