New book: “Network Know-How”

Network Know-How is every computer user’s guide to designing, mapping, and maintaining a trouble-free network. Author and veteran networking consultant John Ross takes readers through the nuts and bolts of networks, explaining how to run cables, set up Wi-Fi access points, configure file sharing and printing, and implement security.

Those new to networks as well as those who have accidentally fallen into network administration will find Network Know-How an invaluable resource. Readers learn how to:

  • Configure network adapters, hubs, switches, and routers
  • Connect computers running any operating system, whether Mac OS X, Linux, or Windows
  • Assign IP addresses automatically
  • Share music, photos, documents, and printers
  • Automate household appliances and distribute digital audio and video to a home entertainment center
  • Troubleshoot network slowdowns and failed connections.

Network Know-How covers both wired and wireless networks and even includes advanced topics like DHCP, creating simple intranets, and stringing Ethernet cables. No matter which operating system readers use—and even if they haven’t even installed or run a network before—they’ll get everything they need to know in Network Know-How.

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