Centralized management with intuitive graphical monitoring
Stonesoft introduced StoneGate Management Center 4.3 for advanced centralized management which offers a fully customizable, graphical monitoring portal, an executive summary on the network security status and a real time view of the network. The product lowers the threshold for security administrators to start protecting virtual environments, because they can be managed exactly like regular network security appliances.
Network administrators can literally see the network from their desk. They can view diagrams about system components and their connectivity, as well as the status of these connections, benefiting from a clear, real-time overview of the current situation.
The graphical monitoring view shows the network status with simple color-coding. When the colors change from green to red, the administrators know that there is a problem. With the optimized workflow, administrators can quickly drill down to the problem directly from the graphical view, fix the error and return to the monitoring state.
The product validates the security configurations, highlights defective rules and unintended security gaps. The advanced rule base validation tool helps finding configuration mistakes and optimizing security rules.
Comprehensive audit reports contain information from logs and audit logs, including detailed inventories about engines and administrators, lists of used security settings and summaries about system changes. The advanced search functions help auditors to find what they are looking for.