New book: “Vulnerability Management For Dummies”
Qualys has teamed up with John Wiley & Sons to publish the first “Vulnerability Management For Dummies”. This is the first accessible, easy-to-read guide to educate the uninitiated about this important security discipline.
Vulnerability management is defined as the systematic finding and elimination of weakspots or security flaws in an IT network.
“Vulnerability Management For Dummies” simply explains the essential steps of vulnerability management and shows you how to select the right tools.   In five succinct parts it leads the reader through an essential understanding of the need for vulnerability management and provides a guide to the essential best practice steps, the various options availability, the pros and cons of automated vulnerability management and finally provides a valuable ten-point checklist for removing vulnerabilities in the network.
Qualys CEO commented:
According to Gartner and industry luminaries, Vulnerability Management is the cornerstone of security and compliance best practices. It is an application that requires management, security and audit teams to collaborate with the production team to effectively identify and remediate security and compliance issues in a timely manner. Our goal in publishing this book in collaboration with our customers, which we are very thankful for, is to provide real-world examples on how do vulnerability management in order to address the security and compliance issues facing all of us.