New book: “Crimeware: Understanding New Attacks and Defenses”
The security threat landscape has dramatically changed in the past few years. In this single volume, “Crimeware: Understanding New Attacks and Defenses” an academic and and industry insider lay out what threats companies and institutions face today and what countermeasures they can take to fight them. Relative to this year’s election – check out the book’s 10th chapter, Cybercrime and Politics, which explores the risks cybercrime poses to U.S. elections.
The book will help security professionals, technical managers, students, and researchers understand and prevent specific crimeware threats. This book guides readers through the essential security principles, techniques, and countermeasures to keep you one step ahead of the criminals, regardless of evolving technology and tactics.
Security experts Markus Jakobsson and Zulfikar Ramzan have brought together chapter contributors who are among the best and the brightest in the security industry. Together, they will help professionals understand how crimeware works, how to identify it, and how to prevent future attacks before companies’ valuable information falls into the wrong hands. In self-contained chapters that go into varying degrees of depth, the book provides a thorough overview of crimeware, including not only concepts prevalent in the wild, but also ideas that so far have only been seen inside the laboratory.
Markus Jakobsson, Ph.D. is currently principal scientist at Palo Alto Research Center, and an adjunct associate professor at Indiana University. He has previously held positions as principal research scientist at RSA Laboratories, adjunct associate professor at New York University, and was a member of the technical staff at Bell Laboratories. He studies the human factor of security and cryptographic protocols, with a special focus on privacy. Markus has coauthored more than a hundred peer-reviewed articles and is a co-inventor of more than fifty patents and patents pending. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from University of California at San Diego in 1997.
Zulfikar Ramzan, Ph.D. is currently a senior principal researcher with Symantec Security Response. He focuses on improving the security of the online experience, including understanding threats like phishing, online fraud, malicious client-side software, and web security. In general, Zulfikar’s professional interests span the theoretical and practical aspects of information security and cryptography. He is a frequent speaker on these issues and has coauthored more than 50 technical articles and one book. Zulfikar received his S.M. and Ph.D. degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in electrical engineering and computer science (with his thesis research conducted in cryptography and information security).