Certified Ethical Hacker Exam Prep
Author: Michael Gregg
Pages: 696
Publisher: Que
ISBN: 0789735318
This title takes you on a tour of all the areas you need to be proficient in to pass the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) exam. If you manage to absorb everything in this book, and based on the quality of your overall knowledge, you may not need to take a class before the exam.
About the author
Michael Gregg has more than 20 years experience in the IT field. He presently maintains the following certifications: CISSP, MCSE, MCT, CTT+, A+, N+, Security+, CNA, CCNA, CIW Security Analyst, CCE, CEH, CHFI, CEI, DCNP, ES Dragon IDS, ES Advanced Dragon IDS, and TICSA.
Inside the book
A very important feature of this title is the clever layout that makes sure you can browse through it quickly to find what you’re looking for. Notes, tips, tables, questions, challenges, summaries – they’re all easily identifiable.
At the beginning of every chapter the author suggests some study strategies and briefly illustrates all the topics about to be discussed. This makes browsing chapters quite painless.
Throughout the book you’ll come across a variety of exam questions that will immediately show you how much you’ve learned about a certain topic. Also, there’s a myriad of pointers to online resources for more information so you can go into more detail.
The last part of the book contains a compact version of the most important information from all the chapters, as well as a practice exam. This is here to give you an idea of how the actual test looks like.
With the book comes a feature packed CD that contains multiple test modes, explanations of correct and incorrect answers and more than a 100 questions that simulate the exam. All in all, a welcome addition to the text.
Final thoughts
Since previous experience in the field is recommended before taking the CEH exam the audience of this book should also have prior knowledge. This book does its job quite well as it comes packed all the information crucial for the exam without providing unnecessary in-depth details. It will effectively enable you to brush-up on a plethora of security subjects and provide you with an example of how the exam looks like.
If you’re taking the CEH exam, this book is well worth a look.