Hedgehog database security and insider threat prevention solution
Sentrigo announced the general availability of Hedgehog, product specifically designed to combat data breaches caused by insiders with access privileges—including employees, developers and consultants.
Product features include:
” Downloadable software – Both Hedgehog Enterprise and Standard editions can be downloaded and installed in minutes.
” Two versions for risk-free trials—Sentrigo offers Hedgehog Standard, a free version of the software that can be downloaded and used indefinitely free of charge. Hedgehog Enterprise provides additional functionality, including centralized management of multiple database alerts, prevention capabilities and integration with network and security management systems.
” Host-based software—Hedgehog sensors are deployed on the database host, so they can monitor all transactions in real time with unprecedented granularity.
” Virtual patching—Using out-of-the-box rules, which are regularly updated by Sentrigo’s Red Team, Hedgehog monitors for attempted vulnerability exploits, including those using newly discovered but unpublished vulnerabilities. This protects the database immediately, with no downtime, while it may take months or longer for the DBMS vendor to issue a patch to the kernel. Hedgehog virtual patching provides immediate protection, with no need to invest efforts in system configuration or custom rules.
” Advanced rules-based engine—Hedgehog gives security professionals and database administrators the ability to determine rules that govern monitoring of each database, down to the object level. The flexibility and resolution of the rules prevent false-positive alerts and enable accurate security policy enforcement. CISOs can also decide whether they want to receive alerts when a potential intrusion has been detected or, in addition, have Hedgehog immediately and automatically terminate the user session.
” Minimal impact on database performance—Unlike previous host-based solutions that rely on database audit logs or act as a gateway, Hedgehog has negligible impact on performance and does not require an I/O choke-point.
Hedgehog Enterprise is available immediately for download from www.sentrigo.com. Pricing begins at $2,000 per CPU; 14-day evaluation is free. Hedgehog Standard is also available for download and is completely free of charge. Both are available for Oracle databases on Unix and Linux platforms, with Microsoft Windows support expected next quarter. Sentrigo will make Hedgehog available for other database platforms, beginning with Microsoft SQL Server, later this summer.