Avinti Launches Identified Threats Filter, Creating Industry’s Most Comprehensive Zero-Day E-mail Security Solution

LINDON, Utah (September 20, 2005) – Avinti Inc., a leading provider of e-mail outbreak protection, today set a new standard for zero-day e-mail protection with the launch of Avinti iSolation Server with Identified Threats Filter (ITF). Avinti ITF provides customers with the option of adding integrated protection against known viruses and unwanted e-mail to the Avinti iSolation Server. By combining the virtual-machine based behavior testing of Avinti iSolation Server with an integrated signature testing solution for known e-mail threats, Avinti is delivering the most comprehensive zero-day defense against known, first-instance and targeted e-mail attacks.

Osterman Research reported in a July 2005 report entitled “Messaging Security Market Trends, 2005-2008” that seven out of 10 organizations believe zero-hour protection capabilities should be integrated with anti-virus capabilities. The Avinti Identified Threats Filter quickly identifies and stops known virus and unwanted e-mail threats, reducing overall burden on mail servers with minimal effort. Avinti iSolation Server then tests the remaining suspect e-mail messages in a secure, virtual machine to identify more malicious e-mails for which patterns do not yet exist by viewing their actual behavior. Avinti iSolation Server with Identified Threats Filter provides this unmatched protection without false-positives by:

– Eliminating all known malicious threats by integrating pattern-based scanning;
– Removing unwanted e-mail by referencing a reputation database based upon more than 1.5 billion monthly transactions;
– Observing the actual behavior of the remaining active content in a secure virtual machine prior to delivery to the end user.

“Whether a company is a Fortune 500 global business or a 15 person local operation, no organization is immune from the onslaught of e-mail attacks designed to compromise IT systems for the express purposes of making money through criminal activity,” said Terry Dickson, chief executive officer at Avinti. “Time and again we find customers who believe they have installed effective e-mail security, only to learn that malicious messages are continuing to sneak through their existing defenses. Avinti iSolation Server with Identified Threats Filter delivers protection where others in the security market fail, shielding customers from the significant financial and operational impact of fast-moving and targeted e-mail attacks.”

Targeted Attacks Continue To Rise

Avinti’s zero-day protection helps combat the disconcerting rise in e-mail based attacks that target specific organizations. Organizations that have valuable electronic assets, or exchange sensitive data with third party organizations, are prime candidates for isolated targeted attacks. Access to this valuable information is often secured through the exploitation of the relatively insecure inter-networked resources. History has demonstrated that e-mail is most-often the primary avenue for network penetration. Targeted attacks are successful because existing e-mail security systems rely almost exclusively on signature patterns to identify and stop malicious e-mail.

“There is little room for error in e-mail security as isolated targeted attacks pose an immediate threat to enterprise IT and business operations. They have the ability to exist for months, if not years without, ever being discovered,” continued Dickson. “These risks demand that e-mail systems be fitted with an effective layered defense designed to prevent even a single malicious e-mail from reaching and end-user.”

About Avinti Inc.

Founded in 2002, Avinti Inc. is a leader in e-mail outbreak protection that enables organizations and individuals to safely use e-mail as a critical communications tool without fear of malicious, costly attacks. Avinti’s iSolation Server is the first e-mail security solution to close the window of vulnerability from unknown threats by using virtual machine technology and viewing the intended behavior of e-mail attachments to determine a message’s threat potential. Avinti works with existing anti-virus and e-mail security solutions in a layered security approach that eliminates time-zero e-mail viruses from corporate e-mail systems. For additional information, contact Avinti at (801) 443-3200 or visit www.avinti.com.

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