Anti-Virus Vendor “Wows” Customers With Free Installation and Support Services

Claremont, NC December 14, 2004 — In a world where most technology vendors are cutting back on free support and setting up their help desk support overseas to save money, Grisoft AVG Anti-Virus distributor Walling Data Systems is breaking the mold by not only keeping their support staff in-house in the United States, but also adding free remote setup of AVG’s Centralized Administration tool (AVG Admin) as well as a free comprehensive deployment analysis for all of their customers purchasing the AVG Anti-Virus Network Edition software product from

“Lack of service after the sale is the number one complaint customers have about technology companies in general,” says Luke Walling, President of Walling Data Systems, “they (technology companies) work very hard to get your money; but after you buy, you are typically on your own.”

Although Walling Data was already providing free remote installation and support for their Corporate, Educational, and Government AVG Anti-Virus customers when they had a need for it, it was decided to make it official starting December 14th, 2004 after staff members talked with hundreds of customers and prospective customers about the concept.

“I don’t think offering free support and good service after the sale is an amazing concept, but it surprises me how many companies don’t get it right,” says Luke, “either they assign you to a low level tech support person that is reading from a script, or they charge you for the support. This is very frustrating to a customer who just bought a product expecting it to work, only to find out that they have to hand over even more money to make that a reality.”

To date, Walling Data has done over 150 free Network Edition management tool installations and customers just love it!

“Most companies are great at following up with you when they want to make the sale, but after you buy, you never hear from them again. That wasn’t the case with AVG Distributor, Walling Data Systems, Not only were they easy to reach and very responsive, they helped us complete the entire install and followed up to make sure it was running properly. I would definitely recommend AVG Anti-Virus to any other IT Manager looking for virus protection at a fraction of the cost of many competing solutions, with better service to match.” Owen Stevens IT Manager, Overton’s Inc.

About Grisoft
Founded in 1991 in the Czech Republic, Grisoft Inc. has been focused on developing software solutions that provide computers with detection of and protection from viruses. By specializing in anti-virus solutions, Grisoft’s primary goal is to deliver to the market the most comprehensive and proactive protection available. Distributed globally through resellers, distributors, and through the Internet, the AVG Anti-Virus product line has evolved substantially from single-function utilities to support all major operating systems and platforms, and is now used by more than 20 million users around the world.

About Walling Data Systems
Founded in 1994 in North Carolina, Walling Data Systems is a high technology company specialized in offering complete technology solutions and services to their national client base with a strong focus on customer service.

With the opening of their full service IT Service Center in 1998, Walling became a full service solution provider offering local depot, regional onsite, and global remote service support options to their customers.

Walling Data Systems was named an Authorized AVG Anti-Virus Distributor in the United States, also serving Canada, in 2004.

To learn more about AVG Anti-Virus and to download a free 30-day trial, visit:, or call Walling Data Systems toll free at 866-833-5727

US Based Solution Providers and Technology Resellers interested in applying to become Authorized AVG Anti-Virus resellers, may visit or call toll free 866-833-5727

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