Zertificon Solutions Takes Over Devolopment And Customer Care for SecureMail Gateway

Zertificon Solutions GmbH acquired ownership of the products of C:1 Secure eBusiness GmbH on October 1st, 2004. The Berlin based security software maker also took over majority of employees. This provides future development of the leading server-based e-mail security solution, projects and accessibility of technical support. Availabilty and sales support are warranted by German and international sales partnerships.

In January 2004 C1 Group of Hamburg took over majority of the capital of bone labs, Berlin. This led to the change of name into C:1 Secure eBusiness GmbH.

About Zertificon Solutions:

The IT security specialist from Berlin/Germany develops software and solutions for secure electronic business processes and communication. Zertificon Solutions markets its IT security products by qualified business partner (reseller or consultants) or within projects.

The most popular product, Z1 SecureMail Gateway, safeguards the complete e-mail traffic of an organization by server-based encryption and electronic signature. The company offers IT security services like system integration, software development and consulting within its competence areas Secure eMail, PKI & SmartCards and Open-Source Security.


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