Two-Day Online “Security Leadership Council” Commences

Leading journalists, industry consultants, government officials and senior corporate executives to address key issues relating to critical infrastructure, homeland and IT security Edgewater, NJ – May 26, 2004 – IP Events announced today that it will hold an innovative two-day online Security Leadership Council that brings together the leading minds in critical infrastructure, homeland and IT security to explore key industry issues and trends. This live, non-commercial, content-driven program alongside a virtual tradeshow, to be held June 29-30, is designed for professionals in IT Security, Homeland Security and Transportation

Security, and features keynote presentations from thought leaders in government and the private sector. Daily programs include a keynote presentation, roundtable discussion, and dedicated interactive sessions. The event, sponsored by the Homeland Security Industries Association, will convene at “This innovative online format is an ideal way to meet the incredible demand for new information and actionable ideas,” said Ido Ganor, Chairman & CEO, IP Events. “So far this year, we’ve seen no letup in security threats, and all signs point to those threats continuing.”

The lineup of keynote speakers for the Security Leadership Council includes Howard Schmidt, former White House Cyber-Security Czar; Steven Levy, accomplished author & Newsweek’s Chief Technology Writer; Ron Moritz, Chief Security Strategist for Computer Associates; Roger Cressey, NBC Terrorism Analyst and President, Good Harbor Consulting; and Douglas Kelly, Chief Technology Officer, Defense Intelligence Agency.

The Security Leadership Council event begins on June 29, 2004 at 11 a.m. EDT, and ends June 30, 2004 at 4 p.m. EDT. Registration is complimentary until June 15th and $250 thereafter at

Event Agenda:

Tuesday, June 29

11 a.m.: Keynote Address
12 p.m.: Critical Infrastructure Roundtable — A Risk-Management Approach
1 p.m.: Homeland Security Workshop: Real-Time Information Flow to & From First Responders — Share Information Throughout the Chain of Command
2 p.m.: IT Security Workshop: E-Mail Security — Comprehensive Approaches For Spam, Viruses & Worms
3 p.m.: Transportation Security Workshop: Finding Solutions For Changing Security Needs — New Technologies; Unified Architecture; Fast Implementation;

Wednesday, June 30

11 a.m.: Keynote Address
12 p.m.: Security Engineering Roundtable — – Bake Security In Up-Front! Don’t Bolt It On at the End
1 p.m.: Homeland Security Workshop: Vulnerability Assessment For The Enterprise – Stay Ahead of the Next Attack
2p.m.: IT Security Workshop: Beyond Firewalls – Protecting Your Network From Intrusion and IT Innovations That Fortify and Defend
3 p.m.: Transportation Security Workshop: Leverage E-Tokens & Smart Cards To Enhance Transportation Security – Strong Authentication in Identity Management
For more information and registration, visit or call 201-886-8600.

About IP Events, Inc. and Security & Technology Online (SATO)
IP Events, Inc. is the producer and organizer of Security & Technology Online (SATO) — launched in May 2003 with keynote addresses of former Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, former CIA Director R. James Woolsey, Senator Jon S. Corzine (D-NJ), and Congressman Curt Weldon (R-PA). The event was featured in The Wall Street Journal, CNN Headline News, Computer World, and others. To replay past presentation on-demand and visit exhibitor virtual booth, visit

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