Central Command Warns of New Worm Named Worm/MyDoom

First serious virus outbreak in 2004, feared to top Sobig.F as most prevalent Internet worm and become all time leader in just days

Central Command, a leading provider of PC anti-virus software and computer security services, announces the discovery of Worm/MyDoom. This new aggressive Internet worm is spreading globally with heavy concentrations initially in the United States and Europe.

“We’re seeing fast spreading malicious worms being released one after another today,” said Steven Sundermeier, Vice President of Products and Services at Central Command, Inc. “Unfortunately, initial reports of Worm/MyDoom have already surpassed the other new releases in a matter of minutes. The alarming rate of submissions closely mimics that of later variants of Worm/Sobig.F. This has all the characteristics of being the next big one.”

Central Command’s Emergency Virus Response Team has already confirmed over 3800 infections of Worm/MyDoom in fewer than 45 minutes of initial discovery.

Details of the Internet worm:

Name: Worm/MyDoom
Alias: W32.MyDoom@mm
Type: Internet Worm
Discovered: January 26, 2004
Size: 22.528KB
Platform: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP


Worm/MyDoom is an Internet worm that has been seen spreading through email. The worm arrives through e-mail in the following format:

Subject: varies – some observed subjects include

“Test” “test” “Status”


“The message cannot be represented in 7-bit ASCII encoding and has been sent as a binary attachment.”

“Mail transaction failed. Partial message is available.”


Attachment: varies – some observed attachments include


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