Kaspersky Labs and Multi-Tech Combine Products for Added Anti-Virus Protection

Kaspersky Labs (www.kaspersky.com), an international data security software developer, announces the implementation of Kaspersky Anti-Virus software in the RouteFinderTM Internet Security Appliance line of equipment produced by Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. (www.multitech.com), a world leader in the data communication equipment and telecommunications market.

The RouteFinder product is a comprehensive security system for Internet connections. It consists of integrated VPN-gateways and firewalls that provide the maximum level of network protection while not decreasing connection performance. Using the technologies of data encryption, user authentication and Internet traffic channels, the RouteFinder product ensures that remote users, remote divisions, clients, partners and suppliers have protected connections with the corporate network. Additionally, the connections do not demand expensive private lines or dial-up connections to corporate networks.

Included with RouteFinder product’s routing capabilities are the checking of data packets and content filtering. Now, with the integration of Kaspersky Labs technology, the RouteFinder also includes options for a fully functional e-mail anti-virus scanner based on the Kaspersky(r) Anti-Virus technology that is tremendously effective in detecting malicious programs.

Multi-Tech customers who install the anti-virus function instantly gain the ability to scan all incoming and outgoing e-mail in exposing and neutralizing viruses, network worms and Trojan programs. To thoroughly check for viruses Kaspersky Anti-Virus scans file attachments, including archived and compressed files, embedded OLE objects and message body text.

“The importance of anti-virus protection in networks cannot be over-stated,” states Chip Harleman, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Multi-Tech System. “Although common desktop anti-virus software can add a very effective level of protection, for maximum protection, it is advisable to have another anti-virus engine on your network. That is where the partnering of the Kaspersky Labs product and Multi-Tech’s RouteFinder comes into play. We selected Kaspersky due to its excellent worldwide reputation and years of experience. We believe that combining our two company’s products will offer users the best in Internet Security Appliance technology and the best in virus protection.”

“Our years of experience in the battle against malicious virus programs has allowed us to develop a field-proven anti-virus technology that protects users against a multitude of harmful code types. With the ability to update the Kaspersky Anti-Virus database daily and possible automatic downloading, we can ensure that users are protected against even the most recent viruses, and thus minimizing the chance for viruses to penetrate corporate networks. Our partnering with Multi-Tech, a leader in data communications with a worldwide distribution organization, means that the Kaspersky anti-virus technology will have yet another valuable partner for helping users protect against destructive virus attacks”, commented Vitaly Bezrodnykh, Commercial Director for Kaspersky Labs.

About Kaspersky Labs
Kaspersky Labs is an international software-development company offering advanced products for protection against viruses, hackers and spam. For fourteen straight years the company has waged a battle against computer viruses, and in doing so has gained unique knowledge and skills that have led to Kaspersky Labs becoming a technology leader and acknowledged expert in the development of virus defenses.

About Multi-Tech
An ISO 9001 certified global manufacturer of award-winning Internet, remote access, and telephony products, Multi-Tech Systems provides end-to-end solutions for small to medium-sized businesses. Multi-Tech’s products are available through a worldwide network of business partners (distributors, resellers, system integrators, ISPs, and ISVs), or in embedded solutions from OEMs.

Privately held, Multi-Tech Systems has over 61 U.S. patents and numerous international patents. The company’s intellectual property portfolio includes patents covering transmission of multiplexed voice, data and video packets used in technologies such as Internet telephony, PC telephony, voice over IP or frame relay, and DSVD modems. For additional information, contact Multi-Tech at 800/328-9717 or 763/785-3500, via fax at 763/785-9874 or browse the company’s World Wide Web home page at http://www.multitech.com.

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