Systems 2002: Utimaco Safeware Is Banking Close Cooperation With Its Partners

Oberursel, October 15, 2002 – Utimaco Safeware AG is making its presentations at Systems from 14th to 18th October in Munich on the stands of its partners ComputerLinks, Infinigate and Microsoft. Special emphasis is put on the new products SafeGuard® PDA and SafeGuard® PrivateDisk as well as the new modular version of SafeGuard® Advanced Security. These solutions round off the Utimaco Safeware portfolio for the complete protection of data on PCs, notebooks and PDAs both at the place of work and on the road.

“The close cooperation with our sales and technology partners at this year’s Systems is a further important step for us on the straight path towards even better and comprehensive service for our customers”, says Rolf Wassermann, Vice-President of Utimaco Safeware. On the Infinigate stand (Hall B1 / Stand 333) Utimaco Safeware is focusing on the new modular version of SafeGuard® Advanced Security. This product offers organizations reliable authentication, extended integrity protection as well as a three-dimensional rights definition of the authorized users, the implemented applications and the data used. Founded on the basis module for reliable authentication further modules can be used for Single-Sign-On, extended smart-card based log on, IP-filtering, rights management and for the administration of removable media.

E-Security is the focal point on the partner stand of ComputerLinks (Hall B1 / Stand 325). Here Utimaco Safeware will be presenting together with Taskarena the new data protection solution “Secure Virtual Disk- Technology” – SafeGuard® PrivateDisk. This “electronic safe” is the ideal solution for the protection of sensitive data on every PC and mobile data medium against unauthorized access and prying eyes and to effect data security simply, quickly and through the whole organization.

The Microsoft stand (Hall A2 / Stand 318) at Systems places special emphasis on the IT-Security sector. Interest lies especially in the areas of secure mobile workstations and work-place security. Utimaco Safeware will be showing SafeGuard® PDA and SafeGuard® Easy on the Microsoft partner stand. SafeGuard® PDA is the first security product with the Microsoft Certificate “Designed for Windows for Pocket PC” Logo for safe user authentication and encryption on PDAs.

With way above a million users SafeGuard® Easy is the most used program for hard disc encryption and access protection world-wide. This electronic fortress for all Microsoft operating systems protects data on desktops and notebooks. Only last month SafeGuard® Easy was nominated test winner for encryption products by a well-known international security journal (Secure Computing).

Utimaco Safeware AG is one of the leading manufacturers of professional IT security solutions. The security technology and solutions developed by Utimaco Safeware protect the electronic data of companies and government bodies against unauthorised access and guarantees that business processes and administrative procedures in the electronic world are binding and confidential.

The comprehensive solution portfolio of the business unit Personal Device Security protects stored information locally and during mobile use from theft and unauthorized access on PCs, notebooks and PDAs. Technologically, this is achieved by a strong (among other things, biometric and Smartcard) authentication and highly secure encryption of data media, files and directories.

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